The AC890 is a compact, modular systems drive engineered to control speed and position of open-loop and closed-loop, single- or multimotor Ac induction or servo motor applications. Compatible with a wide range of feedback options,the Ac890 may be used with any Acmotor and virtually any speed/position feedback options. with this flexibility you may not even need to replace your existing Ac motor toachieve high performance, saving you time and money. The Ac890 is available in 380-460/500v 3-phase 0.75 to 500HP and 220v-240V3-phase 0.75 to 10HP.
"Water and Wastewater Treatment
·Pulp and Paper
.Steel Mills
·Wind and Solar Power
·Food and Chemical Processing
Features and Benefits:
.The AC890 can be configured for 4 different modes of operation .
*0pen-loop (volts/frequency) control
This mode is ideal for basic, single or multi-motor speed control
Sensorless vector controlWith its ultra high performance sensorless vector algorithm, the Ac890 delivers a combination of both high torgue and close speedrequlation without the need for any speed measuring transducer
·Closed-oop vector control
Full closedHoop flux vector performance can be achieved with the Ac890 by simply adding an encoder feedback 'technology box. Thisprovides 100% continuous full load standstilltorque, plus a highly dynamic speed loop more than sufficient for the most demandingapplications.
.4 Quadrant active front-end power supply module
With this configuration,the energy is fed back into the mains supply with sinusoidal curents and unity power factor, a very low cureni
harmonic content is achieved (THD < 3%),
The AC890 is a compact, modular systems drive engineered to control speed and position of open-loop and closed-loop, single- or multimotor Ac induction or servo motor applications. Compatible with a wide range of feedback options,the Ac890 may be used with any Acmotor and virtually any speed/position feedback options. with this flexibility you may not even need to replace your existing Ac motor toachieve high performance, saving you time and money. The Ac890 is available in 380-460/500v 3-phase 0.75 to 500HP and 220v-240V3-phase 0.75 to 10HP.
"Water and Wastewater Treatment
·Pulp and Paper
.Steel Mills
·Wind and Solar Power
·Food and Chemical Processing
Features and Benefits:
.The AC890 can be configured for 4 different modes of operation .
*0pen-loop (volts/frequency) control
This mode is ideal for basic, single or multi-motor speed control
Sensorless vector controlWith its ultra high performance sensorless vector algorithm, the Ac890 delivers a combination of both high torgue and close speedrequlation without the need for any speed measuring transducer
·Closed-oop vector control
Full closedHoop flux vector performance can be achieved with the Ac890 by simply adding an encoder feedback 'technology box. Thisprovides 100% continuous full load standstilltorque, plus a highly dynamic speed loop more than sufficient for the most demandingapplications.
.4 Quadrant active front-end power supply module
With this configuration,the energy is fed back into the mains supply with sinusoidal curents and unity power factor, a very low cureni
harmonic content is achieved (THD < 3%),